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Perspectives & Retrospective – Mayke Sassen

October 14, 2019 in Available Art, Merchant Lane

Perspectives in Retrospective – exhibition at the 17th century setting of Chapelle Saint Jean in our village of La Garde Freinet invited by the township’s Association of Artists. 🇫🇷 Perspectives en Retrospective – L’été dernier à l’invitation des Amis de La Chapelle Saint Jean et l’Association des Artistes de La Garde Freinet j’ai exposé une retrospective d’oeuvres dans ce site extraordinaire du 17ème siècle.

The widow walk of Camp de la Suyere, awaiting Sean Seamour

June 28, 2009 in The widow walk of Camp de la Suyere

From my mountain top half a world away I felt sub-tropical storm Andrea brew then explode, Camp de la Suyere became my widow walk, canvas my only connection to …

Mayke Sassen – Atelier and Current Work

July 4, 2007 in ART, Postings from the Atelier

It took well over a year to transfer from the Luberon back to the Golfe de Saint Tropez, now that the Atelier Camp de la Suyère is built and filling up with new works it was time to create a new website window “Atelier and Current Work, have a peak…