A Final Lesson Learned from Sean Seamour II
August 14, 2009 in A Final Lesson Learned from Sean Seamour II
August 14, 2009 in A Final Lesson Learned from Sean Seamour II
February 13, 2009 in s/v Sean Seamour II - the final log entry, SEA
This is the log of actions and events driven by the only subsequently named Sub-tropical Storm Andrea, leading to the sinking of s/v Sean Seamour II and the successful rescue of its entire crew on the early morning of May 7th 2007.
November 30, 2007 in L'histoire de Sean Seamour II, Sean Seamour II log of events
US Coast Guard HH-60 crew members will receive awards for the extraordinary rescue of the crew of s/v Sean Seamour II last May 7th. The vessel caught in a sub-tropical depression subsequently named Andrea, was further battered by a rogue wave.