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s/v Sean Seamour II photo-history

August 12, 2013 in SEA

If you look at the photo of our life-raft on the side of the mountain of water it is hard to imagine, but to put these incredible 70+ foot wave in perspective : Hurricane Grace in 1991 led to book and movie “A Perfect Storm” had averaged waves of 37 to 50 feet and rogue waves hitting 100 feet. Sub Tropical Storm Andrea that led to our demise had waves that averaged 70 feet with rogues waves much higher!

A Storm Too Soon, a true story by Michael Tougias

January 25, 2013 in SEA

Michael Tougias’ newest best selling true story 
of our disaster, survival, 
and incredible rescue titled “A Storm Too Soon”’ is missing pictures in the hard cover first print run so I have scoured years of old computers to reconstitute a photo-history of s/v Sean Seamour II, it is a work in progress but have a look, much of our ordeal is related through stills of the video the US Coast Guard.

s/v Sean Seamour II – the final log entry

February 13, 2009 in s/v Sean Seamour II - the final log entry, SEA

This is the log of actions and events driven by the only subsequently named Sub-tropical Storm Andrea, leading to the sinking of s/v Sean Seamour II and the successful rescue of its entire crew on the early morning of May 7th 2007.

Récit du naufrage de Sean Seamour II

February 13, 2009 in L'histoire de Sean Seamour II, SEA

(extraits du magazine Voiles et Voiliers # 438) Jean-Pierre quitte la Floride avec deux équipiers à bord de son Océanis 44 CC, direction Gibraltar. Après quatre jours de mer, au large du Cap Hatteras, l’équipage doit faire face à un coup de vent bien plus fort que prévu.