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Sean Seamour II rescue video

May 19, 2009 in Sean Seamour II rescue video

I have uploaded the Sean Seamour II rescue video edited by NOAA for the COSPAS SARSAT 25th anniversary conference at the State Department in Washington D.C.

Yet another award for USCG Swimmer Drew Dazzo

February 15, 2008 in L'histoire de Sean Seamour II, Sean Seamour II log of events

US Coast Guard Rescue Swimmer Drew Dazzo is once again awarded for the extraordinary rescue of the Sean Seamour II crew by the Naval Helicopter Association

Action summary for the US Coast Guard rescue of Sean Seamour II’ crew

August 8, 2007 in Sean Seamour II log of events

The US Coast Guard action report on the Sean Seamour II rescue is another extraordinary demonstration of valor and courage, the parallel between Kevin Costner' The Guardian is not limited to Comdr. Smith' role as co-pilot, here again the winch cable…