The widow walk of Camp de la Suyere, awaiting Sean Seamour

June 28, 2009 in The widow walk of Camp de la Suyere

On Sunday the 6th of May I felt sick, I felt in the middle of a fog, I was tired,
tired of the black painting with a lady dressed in white sitting on a red couch,
she used to sit in a hotel room in Provence .

I painted that room out, it was the past.

How lost I felt, lost in a sea.
I kept seeing our Sean Seamour II plowing through the waves – on and on and on.
They were crossing the Atlantic and I was sitting here waiting.

From my window enormous trees were towering over the house, black and menacing,
the ground rolling up an down.
I painted the house facing the woman, trees and rolling ground in the background.

On the seventh I painted a white road through and past the house,
disappearing in the distance, it looked like a gigantic wave.

That afternoon I learned that the boat had sunk, swallowed under a big white wave
where (s)he now rests three miles down on the bottom of the Ocean, O Sean.
The crew was saved, they would all come home, the waiting was over.

Mayke & Jean Pierre de Lutz
Camp de la Suyère, 83680 La Garde Freinet, France
post tropical storm Andrea, the final log of s/v Sean Seamour II can be read at

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